No, we are not talking about the Seth Rogen / Even Goldberg film The Interview – funny though that was.
You have got a call from us about a dream role. We have sat down together and gone through the spec. You have decided you want to put your hat in the ring for this position. At this point you’re emotionally invested in this opportunity – you love the sound of the job. What do you do next, how do you make sure your turn your dream into a reality. We are talking about your job Interview.
First things first, relax, you’re already halfway there – think of the competition you have seen off to get to the interview stage – you need to maximise your opportunity. Secondly remember a company won’t ever interview you unless they are genuinely interested and they see you as a potential fit too,
You won’t get every interview you go for, but you can come out of every interview feeling that you have done your best and left nothing behind. There are a few simple things you can do in advance of your interview to go in and guarantee that you give it your best shot.
- You owe it to yourself to know as much as possible about the job spec, the people and the organization you are meeting with. You need to be familiar with their website, what they do and look for recent press releases or news on social media Twitter /LinkedIn / Facebook etc.
- Try to understand the approach of the person/people interviewing you, with a bit of preparation and by keeping your eyes open for subtle clues you can tailor your responses to their style and maximize your chance of success
- Leverage the client knowledge of your @RecruitIT consultant to ensure that they fill in any gaps in your knowledge
- Use and relay the interviewers language whenever possible – if you haven’t looked up Mirroring on Wikipedia here you go
- Always answer the question asked – listening skills are key – a lot of people forget about this
- You need to understand the importance of Non-Verbal communication & Body Language in an interview context
- Presentation how you arrive, dress and act before you meet the people interviewing you – the receptionist is often asked what interview candidates behaviour was like while they were waiting
Follow these few simple steps and we guarantee you will come out happy with your interview performance and confident that you have given the opportunity everything. Chances are it will have paid off